Sunday 22 March 2020

I FEEL: This pandemic is a wake up call for us to feel our home (the Earth) is sick and can hardly breathe. We need to reflect on ourselves and not destroy it anymore.。

几年前我写了这首歌,儿子Clarence Kang为我伴奏“TOGETHER WE CAN!”💪 ❤️💪

我感觉 ..这次疫情事件似乎让我们醒悟,擦觉到我们的家- 地球已不能呼吸🌎, 这世界也病了!我们真的须要反省自己,不能再加以破坏。



I wrote this song “TOGETHER WE CAN” few years ago accompanied by Clarence. 💪 ❤️💪

 I FEEL: This pandemic is a wake up call for us to feel our home (the Earth) is sick and can hardly breathe. We need to reflect on ourselves and not destroy it anymore.

“LIVING” is our goal at the moment.  It is no longer easy to think about the previous reason. What were we busy at that time?  If we are able to pass this pass this time, shouldn't we understand the true meaning of life in the next few decades?

 Let ‘LOVE” change and save us!  No more racism. We are a big family living in the land together!  There will be a rainbow after the rain!  🌈💕💪  

Together we can!
By Joyce Lim

I believe there's a reason I am here
I know I have a long road ahead
I'm not afraid to take one step at a time
Coz life is mixture of sunshine & rain
Togather we cry
Togather we smile
Togather we walk a thousand mile
We'll never give up with Hope & Joy in 
Our heart 

Togather we care
Togather share
Togather we strive for excellence

Hand in hand we move on we'll see the
Rainbow after the rain..again..repeat

Togather we shine.
through hard times in our life.
Great things are done, courage
confidence we gain..

Let the world hear our voices..
Fill the world with Love..
Coz i believe ...still believe. ..believe our
Love Changes everything ..
Love changes everything. ...

#勤洗手 #量体温 #有症状必须戴口罩

Monday 16 March 2020

Clarence 22岁了,生日快乐!💕



三岁时,医生告诉妈妈 “your son has autism,you have a long way to go.. #Autism has no cure! " “#自闭症” 像一根刺,让妈妈的心很痛,脑子里也一片空白,很长一段时间都无法说话,对未来也感到很茫然。但,当你那小小的手牵着妈妈时,那一刻,妈妈感觉到了内心充满了力量。妈妈一定要振作起来,该面对的事情一定要面对,要迈过的坎一定要迈。我们不能放弃“希望”,要并肩往前走,我们会有我们的一片天!

这些年来,辛苦你了孩子,你经历了很多,日子虽然艰难,但你的努力和进步让妈妈感到安慰和骄傲。你很棒,真的很棒!善良的孩子啊,妈妈祝福你健康,快乐和平安。💕 #HappyBlessedBirthdayClarence