Thursday 16 July 2020


Clifford Kang #pianotuner 

只要有心, 慢慢学习,总有一天你会成功,如果还没有开始就已经放弃,那你就永远都达不到目标, 做你想要做的事情。

真的很安慰,就像儿子爱唱的歌 “蜗牛”,他也说过他不会放弃,要一步一步的往上爬,总有一天会有一片天,会成功!

前几天,他第一次出外调音,第1个顾客也是从小教他的钢琴老师Miss Gan, 感谢她的鼓励和对 Clifford 的支持,也寄来了这张照片给我。我真的很安慰,高兴到说不出话来的,这是我多年的盼望。也感谢他的调音师父John Chan多年对他的栽培。


Sunday 10 May 2020

2020MCO 母亲节庆祝🌹❤️

记录下这个非常特别的日子。昨天母亲节🌹,孩子们很有孝心❤️,不要我煮晚餐,6点多女儿就order了pizza。结果等到8点多都还没来,大家看着门口😅肚子都饿扁了。不等了老江开始去煎蛋,我也赶快5分钟煮了快熟面给大家先填饱肚子,也不晓得我们的 pizza发生什么事?结果到了9点多pee pee.. 果然来了,老江很不满意服务不想接,大家都吃饱了,但女儿和我劝他不要complain了,体量到他们可能在这MCO节日里太多order而应付不来才耽误的。结果这些 pizza 就当了我们的Super 或明天当午餐吧。😉

哈哈! 这MCO母亲节很恃别,吃Mee sedaap goreng!但他们却说我煮的 instant noodle 太好吃赞不绝口😳,肯定饿坏了才会这样讲😅。


Saturday 11 April 2020


MCO DAY 25.. 


吃了午餐便出发,第1个PRB是在Cheras Kajang Highway, 远远的,看到了Police Road block我赶紧慢下车, 虽然有些紧张还是礼貌的向警察先生打个招呼,他看看我, 比了个“过”的手势,我马上松了口气, Yes! 😉嘻,心想也没很难嘛。没多久,就转入Connaught ,又看到了第2个PRB, 这次还以为会像刚刚一样容易过关的啦,怎知?这位警察先生却要我打开窗口, "ah Moi, nak pergi mana?" 哇! 虽然有点gan jiong,给他这么一叫,还蛮高兴下😁(祖母级被叫小妹,真的太给力了,you made my day Mr Policeman! 你看?都说带mask好处多的啦,保护安全又可遮皱纹😜)我赶紧告诉他我出来的原因,他好像没被我convince到的样子,皱着眉头。接着又有两位警察过来问话,结果还是让我过关了😅phew! 还不赶紧溜?很快的就到了 Federal Highway,ayo.. 看到了第三个Road Block ,还看到一些车辆被叫到旁边问话,我慢下车,打开窗口, 礼貌微笑着的望着警察(这次感觉自己真的太有经验了😜)"去哪里呀?" 一位年长的马来警察叔叔以广东话问我。哇!好亲切喔,原本想再开始解释一番,和让他看些母亲的药物证件。他却很“醒目”的看到了我车里一堆成人纸尿片后,赶紧让我过关,哇,他人好好,感觉好有爱心❤️。警察先生们真的是太辛苦了!感谢!

今天,Stay home 25天第一次出来, 虽然紧张也很累, 还算顺利,但感觉不像以往了,所以没什么重要事还是在家吧。办完事,匆匆去了Super 99买了些东西就回家,里头空空的,也没什么好买😅

Sunday 22 March 2020

I FEEL: This pandemic is a wake up call for us to feel our home (the Earth) is sick and can hardly breathe. We need to reflect on ourselves and not destroy it anymore.。

几年前我写了这首歌,儿子Clarence Kang为我伴奏“TOGETHER WE CAN!”💪 ❤️💪

我感觉 ..这次疫情事件似乎让我们醒悟,擦觉到我们的家- 地球已不能呼吸🌎, 这世界也病了!我们真的须要反省自己,不能再加以破坏。



I wrote this song “TOGETHER WE CAN” few years ago accompanied by Clarence. 💪 ❤️💪

 I FEEL: This pandemic is a wake up call for us to feel our home (the Earth) is sick and can hardly breathe. We need to reflect on ourselves and not destroy it anymore.

“LIVING” is our goal at the moment.  It is no longer easy to think about the previous reason. What were we busy at that time?  If we are able to pass this pass this time, shouldn't we understand the true meaning of life in the next few decades?

 Let ‘LOVE” change and save us!  No more racism. We are a big family living in the land together!  There will be a rainbow after the rain!  🌈💕💪  

Together we can!
By Joyce Lim

I believe there's a reason I am here
I know I have a long road ahead
I'm not afraid to take one step at a time
Coz life is mixture of sunshine & rain
Togather we cry
Togather we smile
Togather we walk a thousand mile
We'll never give up with Hope & Joy in 
Our heart 

Togather we care
Togather share
Togather we strive for excellence

Hand in hand we move on we'll see the
Rainbow after the rain..again..repeat

Togather we shine.
through hard times in our life.
Great things are done, courage
confidence we gain..

Let the world hear our voices..
Fill the world with Love..
Coz i believe ...still believe. ..believe our
Love Changes everything ..
Love changes everything. ...

#勤洗手 #量体温 #有症状必须戴口罩

Monday 16 March 2020

Clarence 22岁了,生日快乐!💕



三岁时,医生告诉妈妈 “your son has autism,you have a long way to go.. #Autism has no cure! " “#自闭症” 像一根刺,让妈妈的心很痛,脑子里也一片空白,很长一段时间都无法说话,对未来也感到很茫然。但,当你那小小的手牵着妈妈时,那一刻,妈妈感觉到了内心充满了力量。妈妈一定要振作起来,该面对的事情一定要面对,要迈过的坎一定要迈。我们不能放弃“希望”,要并肩往前走,我们会有我们的一片天!

这些年来,辛苦你了孩子,你经历了很多,日子虽然艰难,但你的努力和进步让妈妈感到安慰和骄傲。你很棒,真的很棒!善良的孩子啊,妈妈祝福你健康,快乐和平安。💕 #HappyBlessedBirthdayClarence

Wednesday 14 November 2018

An exceptional bond A mother’s love and perseverance were instrumental in developing a musical genius

The Star Newspaper 

Being sworn at in public and told to lock up her children at home instead of bringing them out are just some of the abuses Joyce Lim has had to contend with as the mother of two sons who have developmental impairment. Her second child Clifford Kang who is 23 years old has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and her youngest child Clarence Kang who is 20 years old is autistic and has ADHD as well. “Because my sons are
hyperactive, they are sometimes very loud and boisterous in public and people have scolded us because of that,” Lim says.

But playing the best game she can with the cards she is dealt with is what Joyce Lim has done with her life thus far. With three children – her eldest daughter Chermaine, now 26 years old and who is a music teacher and two sons, Clifford and Clarence, both who have developmental impairment would have crushed any young mother who has great hopes for her offspring. For Lim, the shock that came with the discovery that her youngest child, Clarence had autism, brought her world crashing down.

“I still remember that day when the doctor told us that Clarence had autism and ADHD,” Lim says her voice dropping to a whisper. “I couldn’t speak to anyone the whole day. I felt like it was the end of the world.” All the dreams and hopes she had for Clarence were crushed in an instant in the paediatrician’s clinic.

Compounding her heartbreak was the fact that pre-diagnose, she was under the impression that her youngest son was a true genius. “At 10 months old Clarence already knew the alphabet by heart,” Lim recalls. “At one year plus he was able to read English words and at 2 plus he could read the children’s encyclopaedia … I thought he was really exceptional and way ahead of the curve.”

And it wasn’t just the written word Clarence was capable of reading. He was also able to decipher musical notes and scores and he had a photographic memory. But then at around three years of age, Lim noticed a change in her youngest son’s behaviour. “He became with drawn and very quiet and isolated himself,” she recalls. “He seemed preoccupied and it appeared that a lot was on his mind. He started to mumble to himself and arrange his toys in a very straight order and kept staring into space for hours.”

All this brought the realisation to Lim that something was amiss. “This wasn’t like him as before he was very sociable and enjoyed playing with his siblings and other children. A visit to a hospital to undergo a multitude of tests confirmed Lim’s greatest fears. Clarence was diagnosed with not just autism but also ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). “At that time, I didn’t know what autism was and I was in denial,” Lim says. “I thought the doctor had made a mistake. My elder son was diagnosed with ADHD and I thought it was just another form of ADHD.”

But reality soon sunk in and Lim was quick to take action. “The specialist advised us to send Clarence to a school for special needs children. It wasn’t a school specially for autistic children as in those days there were none. it was just a school where physically and mentally
challenged children were all lumped together.”

And trying to get speech therapy for Clarence at the government hospital wasn’t exactly a walk in the park as the long waiting list just to get an appointment with a speech therapist meant that
essential treatment was delayed. “We had to wait for about two or three months just to get one therapy session. This really isn’t enough for any autistic child.”

And even though Lim and her husband Kang Kim Heng owned a music centre, their income level wasn’t enough to afford private health care and specialised treatment for clarence. “Apart from speech therapy, Clarence also needed to have behavioural therapy and the waiting list was very, very long in the government
hospitals. for poor and low-income families, this means their special needs children are given delayed treatment and time is of the essence as they are growing up fast.”

“my husband and I made so many personal sacrifices to get our son private treatment as time was precious and we just couldn’t wait for government assistance ... but not every parent is able to make those sacrifices,” says Lim.

Lim says early intensive intervention is essential for autistic children, and getting specialised treatment before six years old can vastly improve symptoms and conditions of the autistic child. bearing in mind back in 2001 the internet was just at its infancy, Lim had a mammoth task in researching and seeking help for Clarence’s special needs. “it’s much easier today to search for information but you still need funds to afford all those treatments,” Lim says ruefully.

Citing organisations like Permata Kurnia and The National Autism society of malaysia (Nasom) which were a great help, Lim says that these NGOs still charge for treatment which the poor might find hard to pay. “further, private institutions can charge up to rm5,000 a month for occupational therapy for autistic children.” Not exactly loose change for those in the low-income bracket. “We put Clarence in a normal school but after a year, i felt he was neglected so i changed schools. i had to constantly monitor his

However, the irony is that parents with special needs children have to work extra
hard to pay for treatment for their children but because their children take up more of their time due to their condition, some find it hard to earn extra income. “This is a vicious cycle and i don’t really know the solution,” Lim says.

At 20 years old today, Clarence has come a long way from those confusing and chaotic early days. He’s won a slew of awards and has represented malaysia
at numerous competitions abroad. one of the highlights for clarence was performing with singer Yuna at the 9th Asian Para Games and he’s even given a talk in TEDx Petaling Street. He’s appeared on Tv shows internationally such as I Dream China by Zhejiang broadcasting Television and represented malaysia on Asia’s Got Talent 2015.

Clarence graduated with a london college of music diploma from the University of West london this year and he also released his first CD titled Hold My Hand where Lim wrote and sang the.title song and Clarence played the piano.

It is no surprise then that Lim feels proud of what clarence has achieved despite of all the setbacks he had encountered.

While running her music centre with her husband, Lim managed to cope with the extra burden of caring for Clarence and her two other children guided by her patience and love for them. “I couldn’t be selfish and had to accept who they are ... I had to sort out all the difficulties they faced and find ways to help them. Everybody is God’s child. i believe when God gave Clarence to me, it meant i had the ability to take care of him. it gave me encouragement. That I was the chosen one. I have a mission. No matter what difficulties I face, I could overcome them.”

It is evident that Lim hasn’t always had a smooth path when it came to experiences with her children. she has encountered more rejections than she cares to mention and has faced the brunt from members of the public who are less than sympathetic. Lim says that many young autistic adults are kept at home by their families because they are not accepted by society. “This is because they can get aggressive and scream and shout and the public might have a fear of them. That is
why awareness is very important.”

The one piece of advice she wishes to impart to other parents who have autistic
children is to train them with life coping skills so they are independent. “it is important to teach them basic living skills like personal hygiene, how to eat and drink and behave in public. Never give up on them and as a parent of a child with autism, you have to adjust your own emotions to accept them fully as they are.” she also says its vital for children with autism to make friends and socialise with other children, both those with autism and those without. “Clarence goes to a Youth church group which comprise other children and he joins in for activities like badminton, swimming and going to movies. This is wonderful because he feels accepted and this helps him open up and interact with them ... I’ve never seen him so happy as when he’s with other kids.” The gift which Lim says she found in her journey as the mother of three, two of whom are special needs children, is one which changed her for the better. “I learnt empathy and humility. As the principal of a music centre and a businesswoman, it was easy to take life for granted when business was good. if I didn’t have Clifford and Clarence I wouldn’t know what compassion is. By helping others, you are actually helping yourself because you gain so much.”

11 November2018


The Star Newspaper 

11 Nov - 8 Dec 2018

Wednesday 24 January 2018

不要让障碍阻碍你的人生! 奔跑吧孩子!

"恭喜你 Clarence Kang! 我好棒的孩子。"
刚刚收到 University of West London 的DIPLOMA OF THE LONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC 伦敦音乐学院给你的高级文凭。妈妈感到非常的感动和安慰。😍PTL!

从小妈妈知道你很喜欢音乐, 而且在这方面有天赋。却因为"自闭症" 你在沟通,表达能力有障碍。你无法像其他人一样的去学习和应付考试。但"世上无难事 只怕有心人!"你的努力和不放弃..你, 终於做到了!💪

妈妈的眼泪..不受控制的一直流下, 四月份你被邀请和其他大学生一起参加毕业典礼。妈妈真的为你感到骄傲。你真的很棒! 很棒! 不要让障碍阻碍你的人生! 继续努力吧儿子! 加油! ❤

Congratulations, my dear child, Clarence Kang who just received the Piano Diploma Certifcate (LCM) from the University of West London. Mummy felt so happy and touched by your great effort on this😍 PTL!

When you were younger mummy knows that you love music and you are gifted in this area. However, because of Autism, you experienced difficulty in communicating and expressing  yourself seems a hard for you and you face lot's of obstacles in education. You cannot take exams like everyone else and was not accepted because you had autism. However, there is no difficulty in the world If you don't give up and continue to work for it. Be patient and you will definitely make it one day. Mummy believed in you, and you finally did it .

Mummy tears rolled down as I held the certificate and in April you were be invited to attend the graduation ceremony. Mummy is really proud of you. You're awesome! Do not let obstacles hinder your life! Overcome and achieve your goal! Work hard my son! Jiayu! ❤

老师是小江生命里的天使, 感谢老师们!❤
Thank you to all teachers of Clarence.. you are his Angels ❤ #感恩 #GodBless

#Autism is not the tragedy #Ignorance is